
Friday PhoDOGraphy

Seriously, will someone turn up the heat?

Don't forget to check out Friday's with Fred


  1. We have a lot of blankets around our family room and our dog loves to tuck under them too! Of course, it's actually cold here! :)

  2. Poor baby. She needs snuggles and love'n and a then blanket - in that order. Give her kisses and hugs from Fred.

  3. I've had that problem before too.
    She is so adorable!

  4. My baby is not quite that easy to please, you cover him up and out he comes all the while his feet and ears are freezing cold the little toot!

    Your cutie is a real trooper Mary and very adorable looking all snuggled up too!

    jackie >_<

  5. This is such an adorable picture!!! I wish I had a dog!!!


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