

December Kindle Fire HD Giveaway

26 Bloggers have joined together to bring you one great giveaway!  

Grand Prize:
Kindle Fire HD + a $50 Amazon Gift Card to fill your Kindle with Ebooks!

Consolation Prize:
A second winner will receive a $25 Amazon Gift Card

Participating Blogs

  1. I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
  2. Bookish Babe
  3. Stuck in Books
  4. Bookitty Blog
  5. Laurie's Thoughts & Reviews
  6. Bookhounds
  7. Nikki's Book Blog
  8. Good Choice Reading
  9. MK McClintock
  10. My ParaHangover
  11. Books a True Story
  12. Oh, The Books You'll Read!
  13. Lori's Reading Corner
  14. The Mod Podge Bookshelf
  15. Always YA at Heart
  16. Mother Daughter Book Reviews
  17. Write a Story About It
  18. Publishing the Paranormal
  19. Step Into Fiction
  20. Jessabella Reads
  21. Book Readers
  22. Rachelle's Writing Spot
  23. Eve's Fan Garden
  24. Kritian Alva
  25. Mostly YA Book Obsessed
  26. Read My Mind
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Wow, this is awesome. Thanks so much for the giveaway and the chance to win this. My phone isn't letting me enter the rafflecopter options so wont be able to enter until I get home in a few days. :(

  2. What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you.

  3. Great giveaway. However, I couldn't access it to enter

  4. Winning a Kindle Fire HD would not only be a wonderful Christmas gift to receive but it also might save my marriage!

    After being married for 42 years my husband had our first argument - over who would have our Kindle to read! I know that we teach our children from birth how to share but it appears my mother-in-law never taught my husband that particular lesson!

    Hope eveyone has fun on the blog hop!

  5. Jeanne -- that is so funny! Be sure to stop by each of the blogs to increase your chance of winning!

    I think you deserve your own!

  6. There was an earlier glitch with rafflecopter on all of their forms. It is now fixed!

  7. Thanks for this awesome giveaway! :)

  8. Great giveaway! It closes tomorrow; will the winners be announced tomorrow evening, via Twitter or on the blog?


    Sophie, Verdict Book Reviews

  9. Sophie - the winner is announced on this post through the rafflecopter form. Usually within 24 hours. I also post a note in the comments here.


Thanks for leaving a note!

Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.