
Cool Blogs Haute Dogs: LIZ WRITES

PLEASE WELCOME LIZ AND Nicki, Gabby, Ella, Megan, Shadow (yes, FIVE!)

Web Address:

How long have you been blogging?
I've been blogging for a little over a year.

Do you have a favorite genre of books to feature on your blog?
I feature YA books, usually fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, or paranormal. I'm also an aspiring YA author, but am not published yet.

How many books a year do you read?
My goal is to read 104 books this year, and so far I'm right on track.

What does your dog like to do while you blog or read?
They like to sit beside me and snuggle while I read or blog. I have to keep an eye on them though, because Ella and Gabby have been known to nibble on books now and then (and one time even destroyed one: http://elizabethbriggs.blogspot.com/2010/08/dogs-vs-book.html)
What is your dog’s favorite activity?
Nicki - Rolling around
Gabby - Playing with her sister Ella
Ella - Barking at squirrels
Megan - Sunbathing
Shadow - Eating!


 Now isn't that the way it should be?

Want to see your dog featured here?  Send me a note:  bookhounds@live.com


  1. The dogs are adorable! Are they mom and pups?

  2. Nope, none of them are related. They are all dogs we rescued from the shelter.

  3. I went to Elizabeth's blog and read the page with the dogs' stories and pictures. They are all so sweet!


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