
Cool Blogs Haute Dogs: LINDA ATNIP

 Mr. Kiki
Please welcome Linda and Mr. Kiki!

Web Address: www.spiritualnetworks.com

How long have you been blogging? 
3 months

Do you have a favorite genre of books to feature on your blog?  
Inspirational, Spiritual

How many books a year do you read? 

What does your dog like to do while you blog or read? 
Lie nearby

What is your dog’s favorite activity?
Going to dog parks and car rides.
Although I am not a trained animal communicator, my former animal companion of 15 years contacted me from the other side shortly after he passed.  Working with my mentor,  Leta Worthington, I learned to experience his thoughts and transpose them into words.  This led to our co-writing a book about the spiritual lessons we had learned from each other.

Although Mr. Kiki shares information on a number of subjects, I feel the book will be especially beneficial to anyone who is grieving over the loss of their companion animal. 
Here is a bit more about Linda's book:
Conversations with Mr. Kiki:

One Woman’s Spiritual Journey with Her Best Friend

Just Released by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House

            Have you ever wondered what happens when animals die?  Where they go?  Do they experience an afterlife?

            Author, Linda Atnip answers these questions and offers other profound insights in her new heartwarming memoir. 

Linda’s ability to commune with her beloved Pekingese companion began as she was laying Mr. Kiki to rest.  During the ceremony, she heard a mysterious voice say, “You are going to write a book, Conversations with Mr. Kiki.”  From that point forward her world was never the same.

            Atnip, who had penned an award-winning children’s book, Miranda’s Magic Garden, based on a dream she had experienced, was perplexed.  How could she possibly communicate with her dog who was now on the other side?

            The answer came when Linda turned to her mentor, animal communicator Leta Worthington for advice.  She suggested that Linda and Mr. Kiki choose topics for conversations to begin the process.  These included birth, death, depression, expansion, grief, healing, life purpose, reincarnation and soul evolution.   The project came together like assembling a giant jigsaw puzzle with Linda sharing the moments from her life that related to these subjects.

            “Mr. Kiki’s words were in a totally different voice than how I string words together, and contained guidance that I had not been exposed to previously,” says Linda.  “That is what ultimately convinced me that these conversations were truly his thoughts. I was ultimately challenged to delve into my past and relive poignant memories and create a manuscript from these elements.”

 Anne Brewer, author of The Power of 12  compares the memoir to Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestseller, Eat, Pray, Love: “Linda takes us through her intriguing personal journey and ensuing growth via a unique narrator, her dog Mr. Kiki, whose transition from the physical to spiritual plane enables him to tap into expanded consciousness and share it with his beloved companion.”

            The book which retails for $11.95 is available from Amazon.com and other on-line retailers.  Atnip is available for interviews.

WANT TO SEE YOUR DOGGY HERE?  Send me a note at bookhounds@live.com

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