
A note about awards....

I have been gifted with several awards over the last month and I am just now getting back into the swing of posting......so I will be getting to those awards over the next month.  I drastically reduced the amount of books I an accepting for review because the I am reading faster than I can get rid of them and I only have room for so many books.  The friends of the library just got a huge donation from me yesterday!  Even though I would have loved to keep all of my favorite authors on my shelf, there just isn't room any more, so I am sure some one else will love them for me.  I also have a few contest winners to pick and post, so that will get done tonight!


  1. Hi Mary, it's Ellie from Book Blab For KIDS! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    I have an award for you:

  2. glad your back ill be looking out for your posts :)

  3. I'm sure their next book sale will be super, thanks to you!

  4. good luck with minimizing your book pile! i just tried to reorganize my whole shelf the other day so i know how you feel.


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