
Dog Sitter DVD ? Might work.

Every once in awhile I run across a dog idea that seems intriguing. I just can't figure this one out though. It is a DVD of things dogs would like to see captured on video. I don't know, but I do know that I showed clips to Schatze and all she did was bark at the screen and then lose interest. I guess it must work for some dogs though since there are videos posted all over You Tube showing pups watching this DVD.

You can check out the videos on You Tube HERE


  1. I see this working for a time, but not for long periods. Cute for us to watch them, however. :)

  2. I work at a dog daycare and 90% of the time all the dogs want is company. I could see that video working if your dog had only very mild separation anxiety...but you could probably get the same affect from filling a cong with peanut butter. And I bet the cong with peanut butter is a much cheaper idea. :)


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