
Darker Angels by MLN Hanover (Book Review 2010-24)

Darker Angels by MLN Hanover

Product Details

Mass Market Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Pocket; Original edition (September 29, 2009)
ISBN-13: 978-1416576778

Obtained From:  Book Trade

In the battle between good and evil, there's no such thing as a fair fight.

When Jayné Heller's uncle Eric died, she inherited a fortune beyond all her expectations -- and a dangerous mission in a world she never knew existed. Reining in demons and supernatural foes is a formidable task, but thankfully Jayné has vast resources and loyal allies to rely on. She'll need both to tackle a bodyswitching serial killer who's taken up residence in New Orleans, a city rich in voodoo lore and dark magic.
Working alongside Karen Black, a highly confident and enigmatic ex-FBI agent, Jayné races to track down the demon's next intended host. But the closer she gets, the more convinced she becomes that nothing in this beautiful, wounded city is exactly as it seems. When shocking secrets come to light, and jealousy and betrayal turn trusted friends into adversaries, Jayné will soon come face-to-face with an enemy that knows her all too well, and won't rest until it has destroyed everything she loves most....

About the Author
M. L. N. Hanover is an International Horror Guild Award-winning author living in the American southwest.

Really Liked It
I love the tone of Jayne Heller and how she is a normal person trying to cope with a not so normal world that she inherites from her uncle.  The story is inventive and covers a lot of "known" territory when it comes to evil spirits.  I am looking forward to more in this series.


  1. I read the first in this series but was only so-so on it. My boyfriend really liked it though so I need to pick this one up for him to read. Thanks for the reminder and good review! :)

  2. I thought it was a little too descriptive. I am not a descriptive type person.


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