
totally socially inept!

I thought I would start out the New Year by updating my computer -- bad idea.  I updated IE to 8 and Foxfire to the newest version and now I am blocked out of Google Friend Connect and I can't change things on my blog without Kapersky throwing a fit.  I am patiently waiting for one of my son's computer literate friends to stop by and figure out what I screwed up. 

Stay Tuned -- I have so many new contests to post for my blogaversary --


  1. I am so there with you. I cringe every time I update anything. Blogging can sometimes be hazardous to our health, I think, because it requires the use of these computers.

  2. YAY -- thanks to Andi and J Kaye -- I am back to normal. It was IE8 that was at issue. I am going to try some other suggestions out as well!

  3. These updates will be the death of our sanity. Everytime I update something, something else has a fit and doesn't want to work right.

  4. When I saw your post title, I thought you were referring to the way I don't know how to behave in public ;)

    And I'm way more inept than you in the IT department. I don't even understand those fancy words you used! ;)

  5. ooops that sounds like something I would do.


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