
Farkette Carrie Vaughn releases new book, getting the shaft from soon-to-be-former publisher

Let's make this viral -- Carrie Vaughn is one of my favorite authors and I briefly read about her troubles but didn't realize they were that serious.  Please repost this to your blog.  This is copied from Fark.com, the title links back to the original post so you can read the comments there.

Farkette Carrie Vaughn releases new book, getting the shaft from soon-to-be-former publisher

Posted by Drew at 2010-01-08 01:28:26 PM (134 comments)

I first met Carrie Vaughn at a Fark party in Denver a few years ago. At the time she was an unpublished author, but her first book was getting ready to come out. She asked me if I'd like a copy, I said yes. And it was pretty freakin good. So I put up a link to her first book on Fark and told people it was good. A bunch of you bought it and agreed.

Fast forward to the present day: Carrie's 7th book has just launched. Books 4, 5, and 6 all hit the NYT Bestseller list. However with this new book Carrie is switching publishers and due to "difficulties" regarding this switch, the soon-to-be-former publisher decided to drop all publicity for this latest book. Which is completely goddamn retarded in my opinion.

I hate seeing a friend getting jacked around by morons, so I figured I'd do a quick post for all of you who bought one or more of her books in the past to say hey there's a new one out, check it out, you'll probably like it. It's definitely worth a look if you haven't read any of Carrie's stuff before.

And that's not actually her on the cover but it looks similar enough to her that she could be on her own covers. Maybe she'll do that next series



  1. She'll be in Denver signing books at 3 pm at the Broadway Book Mall in Denver, 200 S. Broadway. For anyone in the Denver area. Wish I could be there, and I hope things get settled for her soon.

  2. Well, that blows -- but isn't surprising. I'm constantly amazed at how publishing undermines itself.

    Carrie's got a publicity help at Win a Book, should she ever want to make use of it.


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