3 out of 5
Product Details
Hardcover: 448 pages
Publisher: Scribner (June 16, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 141657168X
ISBN-13: 978-1416571681
Product Description
Gabriel L ightfoot is an enterprising man from a northern E ngland mill town, making good in London. As executive chef at the once-splendid Imperial H otel, he is trying to run a tight kitchen. But his integrity, to say nothing of his sanity, is under constant challenge from the competing demands of an exuberant multinational staff, a gimlet-eyed hotel management, and business partners with whom he is secretly planning a move to a restaurant of his own. D espite the pressures, all his hard work looks set to pay off.
Until a worker is found dead in the kitchen's basement. It is a small death, a lonely death -- but it is enough to disturb the tenuous balance of Gabe's life.
Elsewhere, Gabriel faces other complications. His father is dying of cancer, his girlfriend wants more from their relationship, and the restaurant manager appears to be running an illegal business under Gabe's nose.
Enter Lena, an eerily attractive young woman with mysterious ties to the dead man. Under her spell, Gabe makes a decision, the consequences of which strip him naked and change the course of the life he knows -- and the future he thought he wanted.
I really had to struggle to finish this book. The writing and descriptions are extremely well done, but I am not a descriptive type person. I just wished the book had moved quicker and there wasn't so much detail.
I agree with the descriptive parts. The author has to be a master at language and the writing exquisite in order to make the descriptions actually engaging and wnating to be read.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the honesty in your review.